Cave story soundtrack remix
Cave story soundtrack remix

cave story soundtrack remix

Heck, it’s Cave Story, and caves are creepy places, so why not? “Scrap Metal” by Corran does exactly the same thing, except it adopts the technique of stealing Benedictine chants from Enigma rather than processing it through a vocoder – As I listen to Enigma more than I should, I’m sure, it captures my weird, new-age-music loving heart (thanks, Mom and Dad), and overall ups the creepy factor on the original song as well. And with that weird analogy that makes no sense, I think I’ve hit the nail on the head.

cave story soundtrack remix

They tend to bring out different components of a song you’ve heard before because a particular sound has been…replaced by something weird and alien, almost like a Daft Punk robot invaded your house with his vocoder equipment and turned every sound in your house into a musical instrument. I don’t know what it is with syntheisized vocals, but I’m enjoying them more than I should, as in “Shoddy Lock” by Prophecy. On “Dokutsu Dance”, I love the piano intro and outro that turns into some kind of bizarre electronic/dance music hybrid that sounds just like the original song, just with better synthesizer technology and a weird fake-vocal vocoder thing that really adds to the lighthearted feel. Tackle’s “Grass Stains” takes an upbeat rock and roll tempo to its source and matches the energy of the original as well – I really like this one. That’s what the best remixes do – take the original, enhance its original themes, and make them better, not just different. Which, point of fact, is probably exactly the original intention of the music. While the original didn’t give much indication as to what exactly Pixel wanted here, Corran uses flutes and woodwinds along with a subtle synthesizes backbeat to convey a sense of lighthearted whimsy and joy. Take “Escape Route” by Corran, for example. Unlike, say, early OCRemix albums, they aren’t trying to inundate you with an incessant number of vaguely hazy electronica, but a variety of genres.

cave story soundtrack remix

Each track, accurate to the original, also gives a different perspective of the remixer’s opinion on the song. Pixel provides a simplistic song, but that’s just enough room for improvisation and allows for a variety of instrument choice.

cave story soundtrack remix

That, then, is exactly what the various Cave Story remixers have tried to do: augment and enhance the source material. But it sounds like…Super Meat Boy, so it just kinda blends into all the head noise and thoughts I already have rattling around in the good ol’ brain. I realize that Cave Story +, the version I played, has the remixed version by Danny Baranowsky, of Super Meat Boy fame, and I do enjoy that one a bit more.

#Cave story soundtrack remix professional

Now, that’s not to be mean to Pixel it’s not as if he’s a professional musician or anything of that sort, so why should you expect this music to reach levels of greatness right out of the gate? This is, as well, his first well-known game, and he may continue to improve with bigger budgets and more resources. As I said earlier this week, the music in Cave Story evokes the video game times of old, but it is pretty medicore music overall.

Cave story soundtrack remix